Torn between / flyers

TORN BETWEEN / FOLLETOS – FLYERS – Madrid – May/june 2014 “locality and global discours”

In this project I wanted to create some flyers which have unreadable writings and I wanted to distribute them to people on the street in order to communicate with them. With this way I can share my works with people and I also can observe the reaction. At the same time I believe that it’s a great way to think about what is art or artwork or what makes them an artwork because I used traditional printing methods (serigraphy) instead of digital printing. And just because I distribute them, it isn’t a simple flyer. It is an artwork that I make. If you want you can hang it on the wall with a frame and it can also have a possibility to exhibit or even sell. So it’s just a choice of people. Maybe even this “choice” make them an artwork or a rubbish.